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zzNLM Insight Segmentation & Registration Toolkit





Testing plays a vital role in the ITK development process. The Dart testing system is used to run tests and post results on the ITK quality dashboard. The dashboard is important to developers and users alike. Developers use the dashboard to insure that code contributions function correctly across multiple hardware and software platforms, and are consistent with the existing code base. Users can view the dashboard to determine the state of the system at a particular point in time, possibly deferring a decision to update the software until the code stabilizes.

The testing dashboard is divided into several parts. The nightly builds reflect the state of the system at a particular point in time during the previous night (i.e., 9:00pm EST). The continuous builds run periodically in response to developer check-ins, and show the status of the code almost instantaneously. If errors occur during the continuous build, email is sent to the offending developer(s). Experimental builds may be submitted by anyone from any site, and are used to evaluate local changes to the software. Coverage refers to the percentage of the code that is actuallly executed. Purify is a memory-checking facility.

There are dozens of links corresponding to CVS checkins (called updates), previous days results, build warnings and erros, and the results of tests. These links can be followed to determine problems with the system, and to communicate with other developers and users.




CVS Statistics





    ITKITK(Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit)是一种开源的、跨平台的影像分析扩展软件工具,压缩包例有一些与ITK有关的学习资料


    This is CUDA implementation of well-known ITK image filters. This project shows how to integrate NVIDIA CUDA GPU programming API into ITK (Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit) library.


    TK( Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit)是美国国家卫生院下属的国立医学图书馆开发的一款医学图像处理软件包,是一个开源的、跨平台的影像分析扩展软件工具。


    ITK( Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit)是美国国家卫生院下属的国立医学图书馆开发的一款医学图像处理软件包,是一个开源的、跨平台的影像分析扩展软件工具。


    编译好的itk4.13.2 库 添加了itkVtkGule (vtk版本为8.2.0)ITK( Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit)是美国国家卫生院下属的国立医学图书馆开发的一款医学图像处理软件包,是一个开源的、跨平台的...

    一种基于ITK和VTK的肝脏管道自动分级算法 (2013年)

    基于ITK(insight segmentation and registration toolkit)和VTK(visualization toolkit)设计了一种肝脏管道自动分级的算法,实现了肝脏CT序列的管道自动提取、管道细化、管道拓扑建模以及管道分级的功能,最后用不同...

    cmake v2.8 bin及源码(自动化建构系统)

     CMake是为了解决美国国家医学图书馆出资的Visible Human Project专案下的Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK) 软件的跨平台建构的需求而创造出来的,其设计受到了Ken Martin开发的pcmaker所...


    Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK) Reconstruction Toolkit (RTK) 构建/运行时环境 源代码 我们的源代码已关闭。 RTK-1.4.0 BP内核具有单精度,改进的内核可以在下面找到 src / RTK / ...


    Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK) Reconstruction Toolkit (RTK) 构建/运行时环境 源代码 基本上,我们的执行二进制文件和部分源代码可用 RTK-1.4.0 BP内核具有单精度,改进的内核可以在下面找到 src / ...


    SimpleITK笔记本 是围绕Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit 的抽象层和包装器。 它可用以下编程语言提供:C ++,Python,R,Java,C#,Lua,Tcl和Ruby。 该存储库包含Jupyter Notebooks集合,说明了...


    The Insight Toolkit (ITK) is an open-source, cross-platform toolkit for N-dimensional scientific image processing, segmentation, and registration. Segmentation is the process of identifying and ...

    ITK software guide

    Based on the principle of teaching by example, this book guides the reader through an extensive set of image processing, registration and segmentation methods implemented with the Insight Toolkit....

    SimpleITK:SimpleITK:建立在Insight Toolkit(ITK)之上的一层,旨在简化和促进ITK在快速原型,教育和解释语言中的使用

    SimpleITK CircleCI ... Insight软件联盟以及ITK用户和开发人员社区。 许可和版权 SimpleITK项目是非营利性教育联盟 (ISC)的一部分,该联盟致力于促进和维护开源的,可免费获得的用于生物医学图

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